Ok, so I'm not gonna give every detail of this 3 1/2 hour show but I'm gonna give you the rundown of stuff I noticed. I was jotting some notes on "notepad" during performances. I was going to edit but I thought they were funny and self explanatory just the way they are. So, without further ado, here they are... Your 2011 Grammy Awards Show Critiques!
LL Cool J should get a Grammy for hotness!!!!!!!!
Christina's red lips and red glittery mic, jennifer, florence, yolanda, martina voices were strong and on point.
Ricky martin tight pants... gonna rewind and do a wiener check
Lady gaga performance, weird shoulders gave me the skivies, born this way was raw and rocked!!!
Bruno Mars / rockadoodle girl made me sleepy
Paramore red hair and outfit were too cool!
Bieber, Jaden, Usher... Will n Jada were so proud like when your kid is in Christmas show at school. Will said "THATS MY BABY!"
Gaga wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Letterman top 10 grammy surprises... funny... #1 Bieber hair = Hairpiece! hahaaaa
WTF is this heehaw trucker battle of the bands? Bob Dylan always sounds and looks drunk as hell!!!!!! His voice is shot to shit. By far that shittiest performance of the night.
Lady Antabellum took country to a cool level. So glad "quarter after 1" didnt make it to the stage. Waaaaaaaa there it is. fml. "It's a quarter after 9, shuuuuut the fuck up and get off the staaaaaaaaage." My new jam. True story.
Aaaaaaaaaaand they won. Sick of that song.
Oh Jesus... Ceelo Green ... if Elton John and Stevie Wonder had a three way with a Muppet and had a baby....
Gwyneth Paltrow catsuite and hot pink earrings. Shazazz!!!!
Katy Perry looked like a sparkly ballerina princess, cute wedding vid, teenage dream was very lovie.
John Mayer, Nora Jones, Keith Urban "Joleen". Mayer looks like Depp. Jones' dress was "tres chic".
Lady Antabellum wins?? damn!
Seth Rogan is like a G6.
Rhianna, Dre, Eminem. I'm so sick of Rhianna's excuse for why she loves getting beat downs.
Psycho angry Eminem. bleep whore. he's a studio thug. he needs help from Dr Phil.
Dre's shoes were blinding me!
Esperanza who??? We want Bieberrrrr!!!
That high school jazz band made me feel like I was in an episode of Cosby Show.
Stars we've lost... Lena Horne. Awwwww Teena Marieeeee!!!! Oh shit... that opera lady reminded me of Pretty Woman. Did they have a Tejano singer?? Jimmy Dean... I thought he made sausages. hmm
OMG Jagger looks like gay death!
What's with everyone having throat boogers, tonight?
BARBARA! You're a musical legend but pleeeeeease hurryyyyyy cause I'm falling asleep!!!
Nicki Minaj is the only person in the world who can pull off hot pink lipstick but what the eff was her Bride of Frankenstein hair?
Eminem doesn't even look happy that he won. He looks all angry and troubled like... "Do they know about my plot to bomb this venue?"
Beyonce did the "tea time" "library" clap. Shes so damn fake and annoying. You know you ghetto, biaaaatch.
Rhianna n Drake... waaa waaa waaaa I'm over the whole he hit me but i like singing about it thing so anything she does makes me sick. Sorry, Drake.
J-Lo n Marc... most mismatched couple of all time. He's so damn ugly and she's soooo pretty and glitzy. Haaaa she cut him off from singing.
Ugh! Are you kidding me? If I hear Lady Antabellum one more damn time.... *sigh*
Everytime I see Jason Segel, I think of Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I can't get his pickle out of my head!!!
Wtf is Arcade Fire? Sounds like a bunch of cats being raped and swung around by their tails. Fail!
ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!!!! Drumroll, please.... AND THE GRAMMY GOES TO.........
THE WHO????? I'm boycotting the Grammys. Fame Monster should have been the clear choice with way more hit singles than the others. Whatever. If I could reach the tv screen with my ass, I would totally SHART on it, right now! In the elusive words of my lil monstah, Ozzie, "Lady Gaga lost to this? No ma'am!"
So, this sums up your 2011 Grammys. Thank you and feel free to leave comments. Your feedback is appreciated.